Release number 48th from Indica Dubs brings galloping steppa vibes prepared by Sukh in cooperation with Mr Zebre and Alex Sci Fi.
For serious skankers!
Release number 48th from Indica Dubs brings galloping steppa vibes prepared by Sukh in cooperation with Mr Zebre and Alex Sci Fi.
For serious skankers!
A French label Rootical Attack has surprised me once more with the conception of this album – a showcase, where they test a legendary singer Dixie Peach on the productions prepared by label’s team – Tozer, Peah, Mr. Zebre and Alex Sci-Fi. Dixie is a well known name, a member of Jah Tubbys Sound System crew and on this record he shows his skills and beautifully flows on juicy & heavyweight tunes in a soundsystem style, prepared by the crew.
A highly recommended 12”!
Mamy ogromną przyjemność zaprosić Was na edycję numer 85 na której pierwszy raz w naszym kraju pojawi się długo wyczekiwany przez wielu z Was producent francuskiego pochodzenia mieszkający na stałe w Meksyku niezwykle charakterystyczny i utalentowany artysta MR.ZEBRE! Zagra on dla Was wielogodzinną sesję opartą na swoich produkcjach, zarówno tych już wydanych jak i niewydanych oraz ekskluzywnych wersjach jakie robią dla niego producenci z całego świata! Przed jego setem swojego live’a zaprezentuje dobrze Wam już znany obchodzący swoje 10 lecie istnienia Zgorzelecki projekt Jabbadub a imprezę nagłośni i rozgrzeje Dubseed Sound System.
Spotykamy się w zupełnie nowym miejscu pod adresem Dolnych Młynów 10!
Kraków, W Remoncie ul. Dolnych Młynów 10
start: 21.30
wstęp: 20
MR.ZEBRE 4h set ( Francja / Meksyk )
JABBADUB / Zgorzelec
Dubseed Sound System
facebook event:
MR.ZEBRE (Francja / Meksyk )
ZEBRE czyli Thibault Quinon to francuski producent dubu mieszkający w Meksyku. Tworzy muzykę w studiu współpracując z peruwiańskimi, meksykańskimi oraz europejskimi artystami, jak Rebel-I, Sis I-Leen, Lasai, Brother Culture, Fu-Steps, YT, El Fata, Ras Jahshua, Monkey Jhayam, Booba Roots, Dan I, Macky Banton, czy Ángel Aguilar. Jego pierwszy album „In the Dubway” wydany został na rodzimym netlabelu Od 2013 roku jest członkiem francuskiego labelu Rootical Attack, ale współpracował też z włoskim Roots Cooperation oraz Emana Sound i I-Skankers z Francji. Na swoim koncie ma występy na jednej scenie między innymi z lration Steppas, O.B.F, Mungos HI-Fi, Weeding Dub, Vibronics, Blackboard Jungle, Twiligh Circus, Horace Andy, Rootz HI-FI, Ranking Joe, King Alpha, Bungalo Dub, Solo Banton, Sak Dub i wieloma innymi. Jego produkcje na swoich występach grają Jah Shaka, O.B.F i Vibronics. Obecnie pracuje nad swoim trzecim długogrającym albumem, który już niebawem się ukaże.
– Corruption ft Dixie Peach: Rootical Attack (12″) wkrótce dostępny
– I Love Jah ft El Fata + Yamasee War : Rootical Attack (12″)
– Open the borders ft Sis I-Leen : Emana Records (12″)
– So Much Pressure ft Rebel I : Roots Cooperation (7″)
– Free Up the Vibes ft Michael Prophet: Dubplate Rootical Attack (10″)
– Harvest remix+On the dark way: Rootical Attack Dubplate (10″)
– On the Way/On the Dub: Rootical Attack (12″)
– Warrior Charge feat Brother Culture: Dubplate
– Get Up!/Get Dub: Rootical Attack Dubplate (10″)
– Anthem/Anthem Ruff: Rootical Attack (7″)
– In the Dubway LP: La Gare XP (12″)
– Tell Myself – Concrete Jungle EP: Bancamp, Itunes, Spotify…
– Sparky Riot – Riot Dance (Mr Zebre remix): Download za darmo
– Anthem : Bancamp
– Dis Sound EP feat Rebel I: Bancamp,Itunes, Spotify…
– Warrior Charge feat Brother Culture: Bancamp
– Elevacion feat Booba Roots: Paproota Label Dub Compilation vol.4
(download za darmo)
– Chorriworks LP: ODG prod, Bancamp,Itunes, Spotify…
(free download on ODG)
– In the Dubway LP: Dub Netlabel (download za darmo)
French soundsystem scene is amazing, probably every dubhead knows that. I am very glad that they often promote producers less known outside the country. Presented Emma Sound Records release, where big names are next to artists I haven’t heard of, confirms it.
It’s been like half a year since their latest release ( so the appetite for a new album grew even more. The hunger has been appeased completely, couldn’t be any different when we get such 4 tunes with 4 versions.
The album is opened by very active recently Mr Zebre’s “Open the boards”, vocally supported by Sis I Leen, known I.a. from cooperation with OBF or Iron Dubz, proving one more time that on heavy rhythms she’s in her element. The second track is produced by a Ist3p, who blew my mind with his ‘Medusa’. It’s hard to recover from such a hit and the version by Chazbo didn’t help at all, simply a knockout and a certain favourite to be play at 4 in the morning. It’s only the A side, I am already very satisfied and it gets even better when I head ‘Dark Natty’ by Bredrin Records or Benjah&EK duo who refer to Aba Shanti style with their production. Lastly, there is ‘Hard Times’ by Conscious Tribe and Chazbo’s mix.
Incredible release, 100% soundsystem earthquake!
P.S. The vinyl is a collective and solidarity project that all funds will be donate to “Yalla! Pour les enfants”, an association who helps children refugees in Europe with education programs.
Mr Zebre is a man who lives and breathes music, proving it with his own EP and promotion of yet less known artist. On one hand this is an one-riddim album and on the other hand the rhythm sounds different every time. Couldn’t be different, when Lisa Dainjah decorates it with her voice in ‘Tell Myself’, Booba Roots plays melodica in ‘Tellodica’ and Ras Jahsuha flows like a veteran MC in ‘Concrete Jungle’. Of course the basis is the energetic riddim by Mr Zebre, where Angela Aguilara’s excellent horns complement this joyful production, positively attuning to live in Babylon.
Mr Zebre is already a well-known player on sound system scene (, whom working is rooted in European coutries as well as Mexico and Peru. One of his recent releases is another one in French Rootical Attack label. On the A side in “I Love Jah” we hear soundsystem old sweat El Fata, whom voice adds a meditative atmosphere to this heavy riddim. We get also a dub version, where meditation is enhancing as the music goes deeper and heavier. And the third version with added melodica raises us to the highest level of musical contemplation. On the B side Mr Zebre presents us the history of Indian Yamasee, who were fighting with English and Spanish colonizers in the XVII and XVIII century. He pays tribute to them in the best, heavyweight style, sending our body and mind into Indian world.
Mr Zebre, who we have been writing about several times (, has recently released a new EP “Dis Sound”. He has introduced Rebel-I to the cooperation – previously he has recorded an excellent tune “Warrior” for his album “Chorriworks” ( On this release Rebel-I is singing in 3 tunes, musically we get solid, heavy riddims, what can be heard in dub versions especially, where Mr Zebre put a lot of bass. All fans of Alpha&Omega should love “So Much Pressure”, “Rising” is a perfect tune for admirers of fast steppers and “Dis Sound” is a killer tune for every tuff dubhead – Rebel-I’s chatting with a massive riddim mashes up without any compromises!
Mr Zebre – we had the opportunity to meet this dub warrior thanks to Paproota netlabel ( Since then he has developed and dub has absorbed him completely, what he proved in ODG netlabel by “Chorriworks” release – here I am sad to admit that we’ve missed this album. Mr Zebre prepared a LP, which could be issued on vinyl without a doubt – fifteen solid, steppers style tunes with many great guests like Fu Steps, RebelI, Booba Roots, YT, Malanie Jane or Ras Jahshua.
Recently Mr Zebre released a single featuring Brother Culture, who just flows over a steppers riddim and about the power of “Warrior Charge” we find further thanks to the dub version. This release confirms the strength, which this artist can put into his music.
Ps.Also check his remix of Mexican Steppers & Rebel I – “Run Come”