A duo of two great soundsystem characters presenting two different vocal schools – one of them is a great chatter who surprises every time and the second one is an oasis of peace and melodiousness above all. You can admire the effect of their clash on the ‘Heartical Connection’. Music and dub versions are created by Paul Fox, who also recorded keys and melodica. Gavin ‘Fullness’ Sant rules the drums, Jahman Dan played congos and Ben Goddard is responsible for the guitars. Vocally it’s all Brother Culture chatting on at his best, proven in meditational ‘Ital Sounds’, or slightly digitally-dancehall’ish ‘One Tonight’, ‘Seat of God’. In the moody roots track ‘Good Time’ moves on to singing, creating a great harmony with Paul’s voice, whereas ‘Mixed Message’ and ‘Organic Life’ picture his expressiveness very well. The soft, harmonic voice of Paul requires a mention as well, ‘Critical Dimension’ reminds me of his tunes with Alpha&Omega a lot. He brings the mood to every tune, though.